Sunday, July 12, 2009

What You Must Avoid When Trying To Lose Weight

We all know that dieting can be described a number of ways, however, easy usually isn't one of them. In fact, challenging, difficult, and tough probably more immediately come to one's mind. So, in an effort to keep you on the tracks, here is a quick guide that gives you a few things you must to avoid in order to be successful with your diet.

- Anyone frustrated with their weight and looking to take a serious whack at it should remember that you should not rush into the toughest most rigorous diet routine you can find in hopes of just 'melting' the fat off of yourself.

This is an extremely common mistake. Especially for those who may be trying to tackle their weight problem for the first time. The allure of rapid weight loss is a difficult siren not to follow, but if you jump into a very restrictive diet and have no chance of sticking with it; you may rebound out of it to even more weight gain.

- Stay realistic and grounded with your goals. I don't care what anyone claims... it won't happen overnight. When choosing your goal start small, stay small and achieve consistency. Keep the big picture in mind. Just one pound a week a year later is 52lbs! And it's very important that diets affect people differently... don't get distracted because some else may be losing weight a bit quicker than your body is able to shed the weight.

- As part of your exercise program you shouldn't hit the gym everyday. This is extremely important if you are just getting started. Muscles need time to heal and recover after any exercise routine (especially if this is your first week off the couch in a long time). This can't happen if your off to the gym every morning. Don't try to get back into shape in one week after being out of shape for a long time.

- Don't go cold turkey on calorie intake. It's true that a reduction in calories will need to take place, but if you just swear off calories and they take a drastic dive, your body will react by trying to store anything at can... and this is not a good approach at all in losing weight.

- Don't skip your meals. See above. Your dieting objective should be to start eating the right foods with the right proportions... not starving one's self.

- Don't become obsessive about weighing in every day. Everyone wants to check their progress. It makes you feel like you are really serious and in control again. But don't check your weight every day. Your dieting and subsequent weight loss is not going to start descending in a flat line. You will have ups and downs. You're a human body. Don't get caught up... and more importantly discouraged with daily weight fluctuations.

- Don't allow your emotions to link to your eating. When people get bored they oftentimes eat... when people get angry, upset, or frustrated... they head to the kitchen. Don't. Learn to recognize your various states of mind and deal with or deflect the emotion... not eat your way through it. Stay focused on your objective.

- Don't be a dieting island. Everyone can use a little help now and then. Don't try to shoulder the who experience by yourself. If you think you are struggling, ask for some advice from friends as well as professionals. Struggling and not seeking help leads to frustration and emotions and loss of control.

- Don't swear off of everything that you like to eat. You'll never stay on a diet if you never eat foods that you like. In fact, a well deserved, well placed treat is a great way to reward your hard work and energize your will power. If you keep your treats to just that... treats... and not an eating habit... in the long run... big picture... they'll be inconsequential.

- Don't rely on nerves of steel, resolve, and will power alone. Use your head. Be pragmatic an managerial in your approach. Plan your meals as much as possible and keep a diary of what you put in your mouth on matter how small. You can't manage what you don't know and don't track. Once you keep a journal and review it, it's much easier to convert bad eating habits in to good habits.

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