Saturday, November 22, 2008

Are You Searching For The Best Dieting Method To Loose Weight, Please Don’t.

I asked my Uncle, what would be the best way to loose weight? He replied, eat meat, run fast and think more, unfortunately he was a bit overweight himself, when he saw me looking at his belly. He said, “man needs fat around the waist, it shows he is from a rich family. Now get the hell out of here, before I loose my temper”. So I ran.

I spent most of my life searching for the best way to loose weight. When I was small I used to be overweight, I was the odd one out in the family. Even my mother used to say, “ they must have changed my child with some fatso’s child in the hospital”. Although I was overweight but still I used to love eating food all the time. I had the imagination that the food was the only thing, which gave me comfort, pleasure and self-satisfaction. Was that true or false? God knows.

My hunger was beyond my control, and my parents didn’t know what to do about my overeating problem. They tried different tricks but unfortunately nothing worked out and I kept on gaining more weight day after day.

Even though I was an overeater and also overweight and yet, I was obsessed with the idea of loosing weight. Sometimes I had a sudden compulsion to loose weight quickly and as a result I used to try out different dieting methods. I must confess that I had managed to loose some weight whenever I tried dieting techniques and methods available in the market. Unfortunately I could not keep up with any single one of them for a long period of time.

I found that most of them does make a difference so there was no problem with the dieting methods. This is because most of them are backed up by medical research. So if there was no problem with the dieting methods then it must be me, I used to question myself. I didn’t know the answer and also I didn’t know what to do as I was running out of excuses for being overweight in gatherings. My brother used to tell me “ why to waste your time, talent and energy on mission impossible. As always the option he used to give me was to go and join the Japanese Somo wrestling club, “probably you will have a great career there?”

At the end I finally realized that overeating is a behavioral problem, and I have to change my attitude towards food, which I did and it worked for me. If you buy a large pizza, you do not necessarily have to finish it in one go, but with obese people they are not satisfied until the job is finished.

So if you are overweight, you need to change to your thinking first then you can try any dieting method. What’s the point of going for formula one race, if you can’t even drive? Learn to drive first, and then you can even drive fast car or go for the formula one race. If you just question yourself before eating large portions, why should you eat that, is it necessary? And let your mind win on this instead of your heart, you would be able to see the difference in few days.

Emotions lead to irrational decision-making and are responsible for your action such as overeating. The dieting methods are good for loosing weight but they cannot normally change your mind and attitude towards food, which is the key for loosing weight. There are some good dieting methods and products available at the site found below.

If you want to loose weight you need to rise above the emotions and then you would be able to make decisions, which will help you to loose weight.

At Last, A Scientifically Proven And Amazing Way To Loose Weight

Americans spend an estimated $30 billion a year on various types of diet programs and products, including diet foods, pills and drinks. You don’t need to add your hard earned cash to these statistics.

If you have ever eaten junk food or processed food and then wished you hadn’t because you felt tired and heavy or bloated; If you’ve ever tried fad diets or yo-yo diets only to pile the weight back on; If you have tried diet recipes and its cost you a fortune to buy the ingredients and endless time to cook; If you ever feel down about being overweight or obese; If you ever get fed up of being preached to about all the things you shouldn’t do, you’re simply fighting the flab rather than eliminating it naturally.

Overweight people increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and many other illnesses. Meditation and losing weight reduces the risk.

Using meditation to lose weight is definitely worth your consideration. So many people from all walks of life enjoy amazing and long-term results. By releasing stress through meditation people find they no longer have the need to comfort eat. One of the most powerful mind and body techniques involve combining visualization with meditation for weight loss. It has been proven over and over again that what you are imagining in the present moment will be what life grants you in the future.

Very often the mental picture that we have of ourselves when we focus on dieting conflicts with the end result that we really desire. Our mind is often filled with doubts and negative thoughts. Using meditation and visualization will erase these doubts and allow you to watch the new you reappear. Focus on the result that you truly desire and always remember “As a man thinketh so is he.”

If you don’t understand much about meditation and visualization, don’t worry, I will explain further on how you can learn simply through a free guided meditation course.

It has been scientifically proven that people who practice meditation have shown marked improvements in their mental and physical health. Clinical studies reveal that meditation helps lower blood pressure and respiratory rates, reduces anxiety and cures insomnia. It is because of these results that more and more doctors are recognizing the therapeutic benefits of meditation and are suggesting that their patients learn meditation. Many people use meditation to lose weight or cure addictive behaviors like smoking, alcohol and others learn meditation to alleviate many stress related illnesses. Some learn meditation to find inner peace and happiness, while others want to be more in touch with their spiritual self.

When you combine meditation with visualization, imagine the new you. Feel how your new body feels and see how good you look. See your beautiful or handsome image as you walk down the beach towards the sea in a fabulous swimsuit or pair of shorts. Feel the wind in your hair and the cool breeze on your body. Feel the spring in your step and the song in your heart as you give thanks for your healthy life. Feel the happiness bubbling inside as you see your family watching you with love and pride. Breathe deeply and feel ecstatic as the sea air fills your healthy lungs and body. Experience the confidence, total bliss and inner peace that encompass your whole body.

“Scientists study it. Doctors recommend it. Millions of Americans - many of whom don't even own crystals - practice it every day. Why? Because meditation works…” Time Magazine

After Healthy Weight Loss: Loose Skin

I want to open by saying if you have loose skin after a healthy weight loss; it means you have lost a lot of weight. Congratulations are definitely in order! So, what to do about the loose skin?

The first word of advice is, don't fret about it too much.

I might not look extremely attractive to you. However, you need to realize that the first thing people are going to notice about you and focus on is the weight you have lost.

They probably won't even notice any loose skin, and if they do they are most probably going to view it as a sign of victory.

Your skin is constantly renewing itself with old cells dying off and new ones replacing them.

Over a period of time your skin will naturally contract to snugly fit the new slim and trim you.

If loose skin after healthy weight loss is really a serious self-image problem to you, then you could speak with your physician about cosmetic surgery. Although, this is not an approach that I would recommend because of the risks of scars and infections that go with any type of surgery.

A far more sensible approach would be to be patient. Allow your skin some time to adapt to your new body size.

While you wait for your skin to catch up, ensure that you give it the proper skin care treatment.

This involves keeping it properly cleansed and moisturized. The healthier your skin, the quicker it will adapt itself after your weight loss.

Apply moisturizers to your skin every morning and every evening to keep it supple and soft. That will help the new cells to grow. It's unfortunate that our skin does not adapt as quick as we sometimes want, but we just need to let nature do its work.

If you have loose skin after a healthy weight loss, be proud of what you've accomplished. You've done what many people try on a daily basis and just do not have the will power and determination to accomplish.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Lose Sight, Lose Fight - How Focused Vision Leads To Victory

We have a saying in the fighter pilot world, "lose sight, lose fight." Lose sight for just a second of the ground or aerial target, and chances are you'll lose the fight (i.e. miss the target or get shot down). It takes intense concentration, discipline, and focus to keep sight. Your vision is only as good as how well you see the immediate target.

We've all heard the experts talk about vision. Vision paints an inspiring picture of what an organization can become and gives us something to believe in, work towards, and identify with. Warren Bennis calls it ‘a compelling goal.' When we have a vision, we're naturally driven to achieve it and it inspires us to action every day. It gives meaning to our mission as it provides a purpose in all we do.

Henry David Thoreau once stated, "In the long run people hit only what they aim at." He was onto something here. The key word is ‘aim.' Aim requires focus, and lack of focus is a huge factor that leads to failure. Most of us have a decent vision of where we're going. But in my experience, it's rare to find someone with a clear and laser-sharp focus who has the discipline to stay on target to achieve this vision. Long term vision is great, but it's useless unless you stay on target every day and not become distracted by non mission critical items.

"Beware of Distractions Disguised as Opportunities."

This gets to the core of why focus is so critical to success. Focus guides us in the daily activities which lead to the accomplishment of our vision. Think about it. You're entrenched in writing an awesome sales proposal and the phone rings. You're practicing your sales pitch to that huge prospect and an e-mail pops up ‘demanding' an immediate response. You've just sat down to plan tomorrow's schedule and your friend calls to discuss a relationship issue.

One second you're ready for action, the next, you're off target trying to deal with an ‘opportunity' which is simply a distraction designed to help you lose focus on what's important. What you do at that moment is critical.

I'm not saying blow off everything other than the task at hand. But if you're serious about success, you better have your mission priorities straight and multi-task only items that support the immediate mission. Real leaders are great at this.

Vision without focus is like a combat mission without an objective. You fly around going after targets of opportunity but in the end never accomplish anything.

The key to keeping focused is establishing parameters and boundaries for your activities and staying disciplined.

- Silence the phone, shut down outlook, and lock the door to your office.

- Have focus sessions - up to 50 mins of uninterrupted time when you're focused on a single task.

- Delegate, delay, or ignore non-mission critical tasks.

- Hire wingmen and outsource these tasks.

Staying focused is difficult and requires intense training and discipline, something that fighter pilots rely on to win in competitive and rapidly changing environments. In today's world of changing technology, constant communication, and ‘I need it now' mentality, the difference between Top Gun and average is focus.

I hope I made my point clear ;)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Weight Loss: Lose The Guilt To Lose Weight

Here is something that you never hear anyone talk about when it comes to weight loss. That is, how our emotions come into play when we attempt to lose weight, or to achieve any goal for that matter.

For the longest period of time I thought that guilt way a non-productive emotion. Just recently I came to realize how wrong I was. Guilt is much more than non-productive, it is counter productive. So much so that it prevents us from obtaining our goals, in this case, losing weight.

Naturally, you ask yourself how this works. It is quite simple really. Guilt is the mechanism that allows us to bind together two contradictory thoughts, beliefs, desires or actions.

Here is a simple example, one pertaining to your weight loss program. Let us assume for a moment that you are overweight. It is on your mind a great deal of the time. You are unhappy with this condition. As a matter of fact, it plagues you. It is on your mind constantly and you absolutely plan to do something about it. Maybe you are even in the process of dieting and exercising right now. Okay. So you have had a long, frustrating day. There is a pint of chocolate ice cream with your name on it in the freezer. You know in your heart that eating it will be counter productive. Jeez, it is worse than that. No only will it delay your weight loss, it will actually put weight on your thighs. What do you do? You guessed it. You eat the pint of ice cream.

What is the mechanism that allows this to happen? What is it that allows you to know for certain that what you are doing is against your own best interests and you do it anyway? Duh, it is guilt. Guilt is the means that allows us to bind these absolutely, contradictory actions together. We are dieting (or plan on dieting) and eating ice cream at the same time. Not to beat a dead horse, but what makes this alright in our minds and emotions. Guilt.

By this time you are saying to yourself, do not be silly. This is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. Well, stop and think about this for a few minutes. Find other examples in your life where this can apply. You will discover that it is no so silly after all.

When you come to the realization that this may in fact be true, you should be asking yourself what can be done about it. The easy answer, on the face of it, is to just stop feeling guilty. Easier said than done.

You see, guilt has a small army of allies. This army of allies only strengthen the power of guilt. These allies include, but are not limited to, low self esteem, self pity and a general negative outlook on life.

By now, the picture is beginning to look hopeless. Not so. The fact of the matter is that there are a number of people who lose weight every single day. What is it that they do to successfully lose weight? What is it that I can do to duplicate their success?

The single, most important and powerful thing that you can do is to set your goal. When you establish this goal it has to be set in stone. Ghandi use to talk about taking a personal vow. I take this to mean to establish your goal at the highest and deepest mental and emotional levels. When you do this then every action that you take will contribute to arriving at your goal. That includes the slips and missteps.

Anyway, there you have it, something to think about. If you have tried to diet and lose weight in the past, and were unsuccessful, perhaps you have gained some insight as to why. With some self reflection perhaps your next attempt will be your last.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fastest Way to Lose Weight-Learn Ways to Lose Weight

Are you losing hope already on your weight problems? Do you feel tired because you have tried almost all possible ways and techniques to shed those extra pounds away? Do you want to really lose them permanently?

If you feel you are at the end your dreams; cheer up because there is still hope because the fastest way to lose weight is here and will open new doors of opportunity to achieve that ideal weight for you. Every thing is possible, discover and learn ways to lose weight fast, effective and safely.

If every single approach you've had tried to lose weight failed you, it is understandable that you would feel bad but for you to stop hoping is wrong. You can not just give up because you've failed - you are not the first person who failed. Many have tried but never lose hope and they never say never to try new techniques.

That's the spirit.

Although there are no techniques in particular that offers instant results, for sure you would find fastest way to lose weight and shed off those extra pounds in your body. Fastest in a way that you would see results in the most realistic time frame of program even those diet pills in the market should be given some allowance to see efficacy, right?

Learn the most sensible, realistic diet plan to lose weight. Forget those fad diets in the market like cabbage soup, calorie watch diets, or those diets that would ask a person to consume particular food type - avoid them.

Think of your body as a machine that has an engine to maintain to function well. Most of these fad diets do violate the purpose and principle of having a good nutrition so they failed. Continued regimen of these kinds of diets would just lead to the following:

"Digestive discomforts

"Bad breath


"Pale skin color

"Dizziness, among others

Your digestive systems may face difficulty because some diets would just let you skip meals which is to dangerous. Some diet such as cabbage soup might result to discomfort and accumulation of gas in the stomach. If you have stomach discomfort, it is possible that you may have bad breath, too. If you will notice most dieters suffer also from halitosis or bad breath, this is due to unhealthy consumption of food and usual skipping of meals. This may lead to serious systemic halitosis or bad breath.

If you just do a little research, you'll see that the reason you've failed in the past diet workouts is because you lack the right knowledge on dieting. But now, success is within your reach - do the fastest way to lose weight.

The fastest way to lose weight should be done by:

"Eating fruits instead of sodas to enhance our digestive systems' function

"Consuming raw vegetables for the body to absorb the nutrients

"Following a balance diet - no strict diet on particular food

"Drinking plenty of water for hydration instead of energy drinks

"Doing some simple target area exercises

"Having a healthy lifestyle; avoiding vices

"Sleeping appropriate hours to regain strength

There is no shortcut but there you may find these tips to be the fastest to lose weight ideally and in a realistic way.

How to Lose Weight the Right Way - Ten Top Tips to Lose Weight

It is a well documented fact that diets do not work, this is because dieters do not know how lose weight the right way. Over 90% of dieters fail to lose weight permanently. You do want to keep the weight off permanently, right?

The restrictions that accompany all diets are too much of a burden for you to follow long term, and for those few who manage to adhere to them long term and lose weight, what happens when they finally come off the diet? The weight comes back, slowly but surely. So if you want to lose weight permanently, you must make permanent changes to your lifestyle, so that when the weight does come off, it stays off.

So what changes can be made? You should be looking for multiple small changes to your diet, changes that are easy to make and and easy to keep to. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if you will be able to handle the change for the rest of your life. If you answer "no" to this question then it's probably better not to take on the change in the first place, because you will probably soon pile the pounds back on after discarding the change.

Try using skimmed milk, sugar substitutes, low-cal soda, in fact there are low-calorie alternatives for most of today's popular foods. Drink more water, eat more fresh fruit and veg. You know this stuff, it's not rocket science, but it does need you to commit. Maybe today will be the day?

No weight loss program can be successful without exercise. Even the fad diets all proclaim that they will be ineffective without exercise. The "E" word can be pretty scary for many people, because it drums up images of leotards, gymnasiums and sweaty bodies. Exercise doesn't need to be like this, there is only one rule when it comes to exercise; whatever it is, do it EVERY day without fail, (or at least five days a week). So it could be something as simple as walking or cycling.

In the long run, fifteen minutes' walk each day is more effective than a two-hour gym workout. For most of us the gym workouts will stop some time in the future - let's face it, most of us don't need much of an excuse to skip the gym today, do we? By contrast, a walk is something that we can do every day, without the need to give it up.

The equation for weight loss is as simple as it ever was: burn more energy than you eat. This can be done through reduction of energy intake or an increase in energy burn - preferably both. In short, eat less and move more. The top ten tips to lose weight are based on these principles. If you want to lose weight fast, this list is probably not for you.

Yes, it is possible to lose weight fast, but it is also highly probable that you will put it all back on as quickly as you lost it. This is a long term plan, it will take six to 12 months to have significant effect. This can be quite a demoralizing thought, but remember; a pound lost using this system is a pound lost permanently.

1. Forget fad diets they don't work

2. Make a decision to exercise each day. Start tomorrow. Walk, cycle, swim - anything is fine.

3. Explore the possibilities of small changes you can make to your daily energy consumption.

4. Stop eating fried food. Broil, steam, bake, roast, boil, microwave but DON'T fry!

5. Set a time in the evening - say 6 0' clock. Make a rule NEVER to eat after that time.

6. Get at least 8 hours' sleep each night. If you are tired out during each day you will resort to high energy candy bars, cakes and cookies to boost your flagging body.

7. Eat breakfast. Yes, you've heard it before - don't ask the reasons why, the statistical fact is that almost all people who lose weight permanently also eat breakfast. So just DO IT!

8. DON'T cut out carbohydrates. Your body and brain need carbs (NOT from sugar!) so eat them, preferably with fiber, eg wholemeal bread and pasta, potatoes with the skin on.

9. Eliminate fat. This is the most important change you can make. Fat has a massive calorific value, so do your best to find alternatives. Yes, your body needs fat, but don't worry, no matter how hard you try to eliminate it, thanks to today's processed food environment you will always eat some of fat no matter how hard you try not to.

10. Don't be impatient, you want to lose weight permanently, not lose weight fast. This is a long term deal.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Lose Weight, Don't Lose Your Mind

eight loss can mean many things to many people. It could be an answer to one person’s prayer, a symptom of illness for another. However one views it, it remains to be one of the world’s more universal contemporary topics on earth. You could bring together a weight-conscious German woman and a weight-conscious American together and despite the cultural barrier, they will surely have a feast on interacting on this much debated and worried-over topic.

In a world of instant items and more convenience, less physical effort is needed. Instead of walking up a flight of stairs, one can take the elevator. Instead of walking along the block to buy milk from the grocer, there’s the car to save time and energy. And food is so much more readily available these days. I leave it to your discretion to say which foods are healthy and which are no, but the truth of the matter is that there is just so much efforts on convenience that it failed to take into account to leave a reasonable amount of physical labor to keep one’s self from getting obese or overweight.

Sitting in front of TV with an iced coffee and some bag of chips can already mean 1000 calories. While the concept of counting calories is such an unattractive concept especially if you are used to satisfying your palate with all the good things it can handle in one sitting, there are other alternatives to make sure you get the desired amount of weight loss and not look like a super-sized dinosaur.

For one thing, take some lessons from the French women. They eat frequently but in small amounts only. Often, the bulge problems come in when you eat a few but meaty meals. If you diffuse your food intake during the entire day, it will be burned most likely. To lessen one’s food intake at night can also help. Your body at night is more sedentary and will probably let what you ate at night to stay in your hips forever if you don’t take action.

Losing weight can also be done by exercising regularly and consistently. You don’t need a gym to be able to do so. You can just make a few stretches here and there, but the most important thing is that you ought to do it consistently. Otherwise, it will not yield the results you want to have for yourself. Some good forms of exercise include those with the element of play in them such as belly dancing. It’s really about matching your appetite with activities which will help you burn those calories as instantly as you take them.

Make small choices everyday to lose weight more easily. And set yourself more realistic goals so that you won’t get frustrated and go back to poor eating habits. Instead of taking the elevator, you can choose to take the stairs. It lends to your creativity but for as long as you can exert some physical efforts of sorts to yourself despite a demanding work day, you will definitely find yourself with less pounds and more of endorphins or happy hormones.

Weight loss options also abound in the market. There are weight loss pills, creams and others. These can work for you as well, but it usually has side effects you must prepare for. Furthermore, popping weight loss pills breeds addiction and dependence, and will not help you groom to have self-control and discipline with your food intake—two major things which will help you be in good shape for the long-term.

Those tips were for the case of those who want to lose weight to look good. However, in the case of those bordering on an unknown illness or becoming overboard with weight loss pills, a potential problem presents itself. Whether you are of normal or excessive weight in the past, if you are experiencing sudden and irregular bouts of weight loss, it is something that needs your doctor’s advice. Consult a health expert in such cases, so that you may be able to determine the principal cause of abnormal weight loss. It may be a physical or psychological problem, so make sure it gets treated (check out and that you have a healthy perspective on losing weight.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How To Lose Weight Easily, Quickly And Naturally Program - Natural Weight Loss

It is easy to lose weight quickly and naturally if you have a systematic weight loss program. Many people failed to lose weight successfully because of the natural tendency to choose easy quick fix programs such as going on drastic diets, popping diet pills or persuaded to buy some exercise gadgets that simply do not work. In my other articles, I have addressed these issues and why such easy quick fix programs simply do not work in the long term and will not repeat them here.
To lose weight quickly, naturally and easily, you have to combine a healthy eating habit, correct cardio and strengthening exercises. We shall touch on the subject of how to lose weight quickly and naturally through a healthy eating program in this article.
• Increase Your Metabolism – Eat 5-6 small meals daily. It has been scientifically proven that by eating frequently, you will raise your body’s natural metabolism. That means your body will burn more fat naturally. You become a fat burning machine all day long.
• Eat Less Calories – Although you need to increase meal frequency to lose weight naturally, you must be mindful of your caloric consumption. Calories consumed must not exceed calories expanded for your daily energy. So keep your meals small and cut down on dietary fats as each gram of fat contains 9 calories whereas each gram of protein and carbohydrate contains only 4 calories.
• Avoid Starchy And Processed Flour Foodstuffs – These foodstuffs are easy to digest and turn into sugar rapidly and in turn get converted to body fat if these sugar calories are not used up as energy quickly. So ditch your cakes, cookies, pizzas, pastas, white rice etc Replace them with high fiber bread, legumes, brown rice, grains and nuts instead. So stay away from fast food restaurants as most fast food menus offer such foodstuff.
• Avoid All Sugary and Soft Drinks – Reason is obvious. Most if not all of these kind of drinks are heavily laced with sugar and sugar gets converted to body fat very quickly. You have to run on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes just to burn away a can’s worth of calories in a soft drink. Just imagine how much body fat you will accumulate if you drink just three cans of soft drinks a day along with 2 cups of sugar added coffee?
• Avoid All Forms Of Alcohol – There are about 7 calories in a gram of alcohol. Alcohol calories have zero nutritional value. They are just mere empty calories. Indulging in regular alcohol consumption not only wrecks your health, it will set back your weight loss program completely.
Oh….so you think this eating habit is difficult to implement or that you will miss your sugary foodstuffs and soft drinks? Not to worry. You may experience some withdrawal symptoms at first but after a week or two, you will be weaned off your sugar and simple carbohydrate cravings. Once your addictions to these foods are curbed, you will no longer have your sweet tooth and will naturally avoid such foodstuff.
Just by following these healthy eating habits, you will start to lose weight easily, quickly and naturally. Include cardio and weight lifting exercises into your weight loss program and your weight loss will be permanent.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

And The Best Weight Loss Cure Is

People always want to find out what is the best cure for this and the best cure for that. It is natural to want to know what the best of class is for something. Hence, wanting to know what is the best weight loss cure is a very natural question to ask. Let's see if we can find the best weight-loss cure.

There are so many different weight-loss cures available today that it is absolutely impossible to look at them all in detail. What we can do is we can look at general principles that make a weight-loss cure good. That will definitely help us to find the best weight-loss cure.

The first principle I want to highlight is longevity of results.

A weight-loss cure is worthless if it does not give us long-lasting results. Who really wants to be in a continuous process of losing weight and gaining weight and losing weight and gaining weight? If this repetitive process sounds familiar to you, you probably have not yet found the best weight-loss cure.

Unfortunately, many of the weight-loss cures and weight-loss products put us in exactly this repetitive process. What is better for someone who wants to get their fingers into your wallet to give you something that will give you temporary results and have you come back for more soon?

The best weight-loss cure for giving us long lasting results is us modifying our diets and modifying our lifestyles.

The next principle I want to highlight is the effect of the weight-loss cure on our health and well-being.

It serves very little purpose if we use something to lose weight and that something damages our health.

The best weight-loss cure for our health would be a diet adjustment without supplements or herbal supplements, in that order.

Our bodies were designed to burn fat only when our energy needs exceed the energy contained in the foods that we eat.

Any weight-loss cure that attempts to circumvent or short-circuit that design of your body will probably not be good for your health.

The third principle I want to highlight is consistency of effort.

The best weight-loss cure is one that gives you predictable and satisfying results with consistent and dedicated effort.

Our modern lifestyles have spoiled us to want to expect everything fast with minimal effort.

Expecting that with weight-loss will definitely not give you the best weight-loss cure.

For anything worthwhile, whether it is a happy marriage, a bulk of muscle, a prospering career, or a washboard tummy, you have to put in effort and you have to do so consistently.

The best weight-loss cure by far is the one that gives you long-lasting results with consistent effort and is good for your health and well-being.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Is Obesity The Root Of All Evil (Health Related)?

I believe obesity is the biggest (pun intended) health problem of all, as a host of other serious medical conditions has it high on their list of causes. Many of these obesity-caused medical conditions engage it in a vicious cycle that won't end until remedied. Examples of such are as follows:

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of these medical conditions. The hearts of obese individuals have to work much harder to supply all that extra fat with oxygen, leading to the hardening of arteries.

Cholesterol and other fatty deposits starts creating choke points for the blood and may cause strokes, heart attacks, and erectile dysfunction after the arteries become narrower.

In order to normalize blood pressure even for severely overweighted people, my natural blood pressure exercise program has proved fruitful. But it does not deal with the cholesterol building or other factors of being overweight.

The second medical condition caused due obesity is diabetes. The extra fat present in the body can create a resistance to insulin and result in the rise of blood sugar. It is really very hard for me to begin on the problems that diabetes can cause.

The additional fat on the chest and neck area can also cause sleep apnea and snoring. A person suffering from sleep apnea stops breathing for several seconds, several times an hour, while asleep.

The body gets less oxygen this way, causing the heart to work overtime and may lead to hypertension.

There are many more medical conditions like Osteoarthritis (pain in the joints caused by the extra weight), gallstones, cancer and so on .

Obesity can cause psychosocial tension in the individual, because the stigma of being "fat" always stings .

Very sadly, obese teenagers have gone so far as to favor suicide over the torment.

In today' society there has to be some way to curb the rise of obesity.

Now, overweight individuals can enjoy lasting freedom from a host of illnesses by cutting down on the big underlying cause - obesity with my new Weight Loss Program.

My program does not require any work out or dieting

Monday, July 14, 2008

Diet Plans: Beware

There are too many weight-loss diet plans to address each of them here. Two popular diets, however, come from opposite extremes, each bearing the name of a physician. Let's put these diet plans into perspective.
Dean Ornish diet
This is a very strict low-fat diet. Besides causing you to lose weight, it also decreases your cholesterol and has been scientifically proven to reverse coronary artery disease. Some people on this diet have decreased the size of the plaques in the arteries supplying the heart, thereby avoiding the need for open-heart bypass surgery.
The diet involves intensive lifestyle changes.
A vegetarian diet that includes 10% fat calories
Moderate aerobic exercise
Stress management training including yoga and meditation
Smoking cessation
Group psychosocial supportCaution: The American Heart Association cautions that very low-fat diets may increase triglycerides. Increasing exercise and taking a flaxseed or fish oil supplement can minimize this risk.
Very low-fat diets may be difficult for all but the most motivated and disciplined people.
Dr. Atkins' diet
This diet restricts carbohydrates. The introduction phase (2 weeks or more) restricts carbohydrates to less than 20 grams per day. This excludes most fruits and vegetables and relies on a diet of mostly animal fats and protein.
It is true that simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour, pasta, and rice, and alcohol, are rapidly absorbed and cause weight gain when consumed in excess. They should be avoided by people who are overweight or obese.
On the other hand, complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and soy products are rich in fiber, which slows their absorption. In moderation, they are excellent food choices for overweight and obese people. They should make up a significant proportion of the diet. And yet these are also strictly limited by the Atkins diet.
Numerous studies have shown that excess animal protein in the diet increases the risks of breast and prostate cancers, heart disease, kidney disease, and osteoporosis. Fats and proteins break down in the body to substances called ketones. The large amounts of fat and protein in the Atkins diet are likely to cause an excess of ketones in the body, a condition called ketosis.
Caution: This diet may not be appropriate for people with diabetes, and its safety in pregnant or breastfeeding women has not been established. It also establishes unhealthy eating habits.
Note that starvation diets also cause the formation of ketones.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Increasing Your Activity Level

Moderate physical activity, such as walking, helps you lose weight and keep your weight down. At least 30 minutes of exercise a day is recommended.
Try to exercise at least 5 days a week.
Not exercising will sabotage any weight loss plan. Add movement, even in short 10-minute bursts throughout your day to get in 30 minutes a day.
Simple measures such as parking at the far end of the parking lot and taking the stairs instead of the elevator eventually add up to help you lose weight.
Exercise strengthens your muscles and improves the function of your heart and lungs.
If you are obese, particularly if you are inactive or have medical problems, check with your health care provider before starting an exercise program.Walking
When walking for weight loss, distance is important, not speed. Wear a pedometer to measure your steps and then find ways to add steps during your daily activity.
To exercise, walk at a pace and distance that puts no strain on the body. Set reasonable goals. If you walk until you become tired, you will be exhausted when you stop.
Walk with smooth, rhythmic motions at an easy pace.
Each time you walk, walk slowly for the first 5 minutes to warm up. After 5 minutes, walk for 10 minutes at a faster rate if you can. Do not overdo it. You may stop to rest at any time.
When you have walked for 10 minutes without stopping, your first goal has been reached. The new goal should be to walk for a little longer time (say, 12 minutes). Continue to set new goals without overdoing it. It is important not to walk too fast or too long.
Chart your progress.Other activities
Ride your bicycle to work or to the store.
Buy an exercise bike and pedal while watching TV or talking on the phone. Keep track of your mileage.
Join an exercise class appropriate for your level of activity and your medical condition. Water aerobics is a popular choice. Start slow.
Even weekend chores use calories if you do them the physical way.
Skip the riding lawn mower and use a push mower.
Wash your car manually.
Use a rake, hoe, and shovel for gardening chores.Exercise tips
To let your skin breathe during workouts, wear loose cotton clothing. Wear comfortable jogging shoes or sneakers.
Remove makeup before exercising.
Drink plenty of cool, not cold, water before and after exercising. This will replace water lost by perspiration and prevent dehydration. If you want to carry a water bottle, you can drink while exercising.
Check your pulse rate continuously (every 5 minutes) while exercising.
Normal pulse rate may vary between 60 and 90 beats per minute.
Your pulse should increase somewhat while exercising. The pulse rate may increase up to 120. It is normal to become somewhat short of breath. If you are so short of breath that you cannot speak comfortably, stop for a rest and then continue at a slower rate.
While exercising, make it a point not to hold your breath. Holding your breath deprives the body of oxygen. Inhale with one movement, and exhale with another.
Do not continue exercising if you feel pain. Stop and take a break. If you continue to feel pain, talk to your health care provider.
Do not take a shower immediately after exercising. Allow 25 minutes to elapse, then take a brief, lukewarm shower.
Keep a record of your activity. You will see progress over time.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weight Loss and Control

Healthy Meals for Weight Loss

Smart dietary guidelines

The American Heart Association updated its recommended dietary guidelines in 2000. These guidelines are suitable for most adults.

* Eat 5 or more fresh fruits and vegetables each day.

* Eat 6 or more servings of grains (preferably whole grains) each day.

* Eat fat-free and low-fat dairy, legumes, seafood, and lean meats.

* Avoid foods with more than 2 grams of saturated fat per serving.

* Balance your caloric intake with your energy expenditure.

* Limit junk food, which is high in simple carbohydrates and low in nutrition.

* Limit foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Eat less than 6 grams of salt each day.

General food preparation and meal planning tips: Try to eat servings of fruits and vegetables at every meal. Besides being delicious, they are full of nutrients and fiber. They may even help prevent certain cancers.

* Boil, steam, bake, roast, or broil foods rather than frying in fat.

* Use unsaturated fats, such as vegetable oils, rather than saturated fats such as butter, shortening, and lard.

* Use olive oil spray rather than cooking oils to prepare foods.

* Eat white meat chicken or turkey, lean meat, fish, or seafood. Trim the skin from poultry.

* Use low-fat or non-fat dairy products.

* To season foods, choose lemon or lime juice, vinegar, low-sodium soy sauce, plain tomato sauce, salsa and other sauces low in fat, or mustard. Use garlic, onions, ginger, and herbs and spices to flavor foods.

* Avoid high-fat and high-calorie condiments such as mayonnaise, oil, ketchup, salad dressing, or prepared sauces.

* Drink seltzer, water, caffeine-free soda, tea, or coffee with meals.

Breakfast suggestions

* 1 cup of juice or fruit

* Egg whites or an egg substitute scrambled or prepared as an omelet in olive oil spray

* Oatmeal or any sugar-free cereal with 6-8 ounces of skim milk

* Low-fat cream cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, or non-fat yogurt

* Caffeine-free tea or coffee

Lunch suggestions

* 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables, such as peas, string beans, asparagus, broccoli, summer squash, escarole, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, or carrots

* 1/2 cup of a leafy vegetable, such as spinach, kale, or chard

* Green salad, plain or seasoned with fat-free dressing, vinegar, lemon, or any combination of these (no oil)—include greens and raw vegetables such as tomato, bell peppers, cucumber, sprouts, radish, onion, cabbage, mushrooms, and celery

* 1/2 cup whole-grain pasta in meat-free tomato sauce

* Sandwiches made of whole-grain or sourdough bread

o 2 ounces of water-packed tuna or salmon

o 2 slices of a low-fat cold cut or deli meat

o 1-2 ounces of low-fat cheese

Supper suggestions

* 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables, such as peas, string beans, asparagus, broccoli, summer squash, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, or carrots

* 1/2 cup of a leafy vegetable, such as spinach, kale, or chard

* Green salad, plain or seasoned with fat-free dressing, vinegar, lemon, or any combination of these (no oil)—include greens and raw vegetables such as tomato, bell peppers, cucumber, sprouts, radish, onion, cabbage, mushrooms, and celery

* 1/2 chicken breast, baked, or 4 slices of turkey, skin removed

* White fish, such as snapper or fillet of sole, baked or steamed in plain tomato sauce, lemon or both

* 2 slices of whole-grain or sourdough bread or 1/2 cup of a whole grain such as brown rice

* 1/3 cup (or less) of fat-free yogurt or fat-free sour cream

* For dessert

o 1 small slice of cake or 1 cookie, low-fat or fat-free and cholesterol-free

o 1/2 cup of fat-free ice cream or fat-free frozen yogurt

o Fresh fruit

If you choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation (no more than 2 drinks per day for men or 1 drink per day for women).

To satisfy hunger between meals, eat unlimited quantities of celery, lettuce, mushrooms, green or red peppers, asparagus, cauliflower, cucumber, and broccoli.

Eating away from home

When eating in a restaurant, plan ahead. Think about ordering low-fat, low-calorie foods. Remember that most restaurants serve portions much larger than an accepted serving size.

* Ask for a doggy bag or take-out container when you order. As soon as the food comes, set aside half (or more) for future meals. Then eat what is left on your plate. This will help keep you from overeating.

* Skip the breadbasket and the appetizer.

* Ask for foods to be prepared without frying or sauces.

* Avoid high-fat side orders such as french fries, cole slaw, and garlic bread.

* Order salad dressings on the side and dip your fork in the dressing, then spear the salad.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

How Green Tea Helps You Loose Weight

For thousands of years green tea has been used by both the Chinese and Japanese as both an herbal medicine and a beverage. Recently the use of this tea as an herbal medicine gained notice in the western world as a part of the medical profession. The antioxidant and chemotherapuetic effects of the green tea have been studied in recent years. Both Switzerland and the United States have conducted recent research that indicates a strong connection between green tea and weight loss.

An issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Urology published in December 1999, indicated a study where certain compounds in green tea extracts might promote weight loss. A group of ten healthy young men under went a research study at the University of Geneva under Dr. Abdul Dulloo. The men, who ranged in size from lean to mildly overweight, were given a typical American diet. With each meal the men were asked to take a capsule of green tea and caffeine. The results showed that more calories were burned on average by the men who took green tea capsules. This showed that it might not be a myth at all when it comes to the connection between green tea and weight loss.

Green Tea and the Fight Against Fat

The idea that green tea can be an active combatant against fat may be another way that green tea and losing weight may be connected. The fat content of a body must be reduced in order to truly lose weight and get healthy. A recent study showed that every day for three months those who drank a bottle of tea fortified with green tea lost more body fat than those who drank regular oolong tea. There seems to be a link between green tea nad losing weight even if the exact connection isn’t known, at least in the case of losing fat.

Another Possible Connection Between Green Tea and Losing Weight

Another reason why green tea and losing weight might be connected wasn’t mentioned in the above studies. This is the fact that green tea, unlike any other tea, has the ability to satisfy people. There is a good possibility that a person will eat less and thus lose weight by drinking a glass or two with a meal. In addition you can’t rob your body of hydration with green tea since there are no sugars or additives that causes fat and water weight to stay on the body rather than being shed as calories are burned.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Learn How a 27-Year Old Texas Beauty & a 59-Year Old Grandmom Both Discovered the Same Secrets that Finally Allowed Them to Shed That Extra Stubborn B

5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs

1. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.

2. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.

3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I'll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that produce 10x better results below.

4. You DON'T need to waste your money on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills or other bogus supplements. I'll show you how to use the power of natural foods in more detail below.

5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that "ab contraption"... they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Again, you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.

Changing Your Habits and Staying Motivated

Changing your habits
Eat slowly and chew your food well. This helps you feel satisfied with less food.
The amount of food you eat is more important that the type of food. Think portion control. Familiarize yourself with official serving sizes, and measure and weigh foods accordingly.
Keep a record of when you eat, what you eat, and how much. This will help you spot situations in which you tend to overeat.
Do not skip meals, especially breakfast. You will just be hungrier and more likely to overeat at the next meal.
Do not read or watch television while you eat.
Reduce your appetite by drinking 1 glass of water 30 minutes before each meal. If your stomach is not empty, food does not look as appetizing.
Stock your refrigerator with healthy, low-calorie foods. Snack on baby carrots instead of microwave popcorn. Don't keep high-fat snacks around the house.
Put a sign on the refrigerator that will help you think twice about snacking.
Reward yourself for specific achievements, such as exercising longer than you had planned or eating less of a tempting food. Of course, the reward should not be food.Staying motivated
People often set unrealistic goals for themselves, only to feel guilt when they cannot stay on a diet or exercise program. Make changes in small steps. Look for small gains (that is, weight losses). Losing 1 pound a week is a reasonable goal.
Losing even 10% of your excess body weight can significantly lower your risk of obesity-related health problems. This is a good goal to start with.
Do not weigh yourself too often. Weigh yourself only once a week in the morning. An increase in weight of a pound or 2 may not be a true weight gain. It may be the result of water retention.
Make it a point to look attractive. If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you will be less likely to seek comfort in food.
Group support programs such as Weight Watchers or TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) give you the support and encouragement of others with the same problem. They also promote healthy living practices.
It is perfectly normal to go off your plan on occasion. Don't be too hard on yourself, and don't quit! Get back on track the next day.
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