Monday, March 15, 2010

Easy Weight Loss Diets: Can You Really Eat Pizza and Lose Weight?

In a perfect world, you’d be able to munch out to your heart’s content on such goodies as: chocolate chip cookies, any kind of snack chips, several scoops of your favorite ice cream, pizza with your favorite toppings, burgers and fries, fried chicken, creamy potato dishes, decadent chocolate treats of all kinds, etc.

You could eat as much as you wanted of all of these types of foods and never gain an ounce of extra weight. I know. Dream on, huh?

The fact is, we don’t live in a perfect world and eating too much of foods that contain large amounts of fat, cholesterol, salt and sugar isn’t good for our long-term health. This is why it’s popular to turn to easy weight loss diets when our weight gets out of control.

There are tons of fast and easy diets in magazines and on the internet. Most promise the same thing – lose x amount of weight in 7 days (or something similar). The majority of these types of easy diets are fad diets. Fad diets are notorious for making outrageous claims, and enticing people to darn near starve themselves for the chance of wining the weight loss lottery.

The reality is that most people fail to lose any significant weight on a fad diet, and even when they do lose 10 pounds or so, it usually comes back quickly. So, yeah, you can say that fad diets are easy in the sense that they give you simplistic solutions. The real test that should be in everyone’s mind is: are they effective in producing long-term weight loss?


Does this mean that you should give up hope of finding an effective easy weight loss diet?

No again.

In fact, the dieting world has been taken by storm by some very good diet plans that are not only easy to follow, but based on solid nutritional science. Diet plans like Cheat Your Way Thin and The Every Other Day Diet 2.0, have their whole plans based around ease of use and results.

The creators of these two plans, in particular, promote a dieting philosophy that says you don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods in order to lose weight - even if those foods contain lots of fat. The real key to successful weight loss is incorporating wholesome foods into your every day lifestyle, while allowing yourself the pleasure of cheating on a regular basis.


Isn’t cheating bad for a dieter?

Not when it’s included in a well planned out diet. You see, the new way of thinking about dieting allows us to face facts: we’re prone to cheating on our diets. If this weren’t the case, then everybody who went on a diet would always be 100% successful in getting to their ideal weight.

When dieter’s cheat, they’re usually made to feel like they’re naughty school children without any self control. Well, let me tell you, it’s hard to keep control over your love of pepperoni pizza when all you’re allowed to eat is a salad, or bland piece of chicken, while everyone around you is smacking their lips on that sizzling hot special delivery pizza.

But, what if cheating were a part of your diet, and you knew you were going to be able to eat a slice of delicious pepperoni pizza in a day or two?

Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to keep eating your healthy meals?

You bet it is.

We all like treats and hate being deprived. So, unless you really need to drop a lot of weight in a few weeks, you should consider picking a diet plan that allows you to cheat as you go. Leave the extreme dieting to others who are in a big hurry.

I promise you that, once you get used to eating healthy meals, with a taste of fun foods thrown in from time to time, you’ll not only lose more weight, but you’ll be amused that you’ve been allowed to cheat the whole time you’ve been dieting.

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