Monday, March 29, 2010

Women's Health And Fitness - Weight Training To Lose Weight

Weight gain is a lot easier as you grow older particularly as the motivation to exercise also wanes, but you can turn it around it does not matter how old you are. You should start to weave some sort of exercise into your daily life.

One type of exercise that you should consider to do is weight training, also known as strength training or resistance training. Weight training will not only help with losing weight but will also trim and tone your body. Age does not matter it has been shown that women as old as 70 who have started to weight train and have improved their body strength within a very short while.

Weight training is an important element in fighting flab; maybe it is the most important. If you do aerobic exercise you only burn fat during the exercise but with weight training you burn fat even when you have finished. The body is still burning fat for up to as much as twelve hours after finishing the exercise whilst it is building the muscles worked, so you can still be burning fat while you are resting. But that is not the end of the story.

A body full of muscle uses far more calories than a body full of fat, so you will find that you will need to eat more to maintain your weight and your muscle. You do not need to worry that you will bulk up like a body builder, as you do not have the right makeup to do this, as a woman you will only elongate and define your muscles, and build lean muscles.

When you first start to weight train you might find that your weight will actually increase. This is because muscle is heavier than fat but as muscle is smaller so you should notice the body getting smaller even if the scales do not show an decrease in weight.

The additional benefits from weight training are:-

1. It helps to strengthen and increase the density of your bones because the act of the muscles pulling and flexing the bones helps to lay down more bone fibre.

2. Stronger muscles helps your body to be more steady and so helps to prevent falls.

3. It has also been found that it can fight the build up of abdominal fat by lifting weights at least twice a week.

Finally when weight training make sure that you change your routine around so that the body can not get use to the routine. It only takes the body about six weeks for it to learn how to work efficiently if keeping to the same routine and therefore you will stop seeing any weight or body changes.

So have fun and start weight training to lose weight and tone your body

Weight Loss Forums: Top 5 Reasons To Join An Online Weight Loss Support Group

You and I know that getting plenty of support from friends and family is a key to losing weight successfully. It's just plain fact that if nobody takes notice of your efforts, it is much harder to reach your goals and feel good about yourself. Here's where support groups come in handy.

Reason #1: The Best Online Weight Loss Support Is Free!

Local support groups in your city can be helpful, but they've got a few flaws. First of all, they usually charge a signup fee, or even a monthly membership fee. These expenses are unnecessary, considering that you could get even better support and lose more weight for free! The internet lives and breathes communication. You can find free weight loss support groups online.

Reason #2: Online Support Groups Always Fit Your Schedule.

Most of us who are overweight have busy lives. We have high stress jobs, and that includes taking care of our kids, which can be tough! With so much to do, who has time to make the most out of a local weight loss support group, let alone make it to all the meetings? I sure don't, and I'm guessing you'd say the same. Here's another benefit of joining an online support group: You can visit the website anytime, catch up on the latest postings, share your progress or even complain about difficulties, and be off to do something else in 15 minutes!

Reason #3: Online Weight Loss Support Is Available 24 Hours, 7 Days A Week!

You could join a local support group and pay the fees, but what good will that do if you need to talk to someone right now? We all feel hopeless sometimes, especially during the beginning of our weight loss journey. At an online support group such as, your friends are there for you 24 hours, 7 days a week. You don't have to go it alone. Take advantage of free 24/7 support and advice from other people who know exactly how you feel.

Reason #4: Online Weight Loss Suppor Group Forums Are Overflowing With Help And Advice That You Can Refer Back To Anytime!

While your local group might be helpful during meetings, it's hard to really make the most of your money spent there. Sure, you can get encouragement and advice during each meeting, but what about the rest of the week, or even the rest of the month? The obvious solution is free, and it's on the internet. We have the right to free information, and that's what you get at an online support group like Anytime you need an answer or just want to read the encouraging words of a friend, all you need to do is sit down at the computer and log onto the website.

Reason #5: It's Super-Quick And Easy To Keep Your Weight Loss Diary Online!

You probably know first hand that losing weight is SO much easier when you can see the progress you've been making. After all, it takes a lot of work to reach our weight loss goals, and we need to know we're doing well along the way. Everyone cheats, and when you have nothing to look back on but vague memories of healthy eating and exercise, it's hard to remember that you're still doing a good job. When you join a free weight loss support forum like, you can get started immediately. Just check out the suggestions on how to make the most of your weight loss diary, and read up on what your new friends are doing. I know it has sure helped me!

If you're serious about losing weight and keeping it off forever, please consider your health and join a free weight loss support group online. It's so much easier to log onto a website than to spend money on a local support group, find someone to take care of the kids, and make it home in time for a healthy dinner, talking with your family, or even getting a good night's sleep.

Lose Weight: 3 Sure-Fire Ways Busy Dads Blow Their Weight Loss Efforts

You kiss your wife and leave for the office every morning at 6:30 on the dot. You prod your teenage son to mow the lawn every Saturday afternoon. You change the oil in your car every 3000 miles. Busy dads know the importance of structure and regularity in juggling all of life's responsibilities. But should you be so rigid when it comes to nutrition and fitness routines and choices?

Having well-established habits and a consistent routine is great. But, it's not healthy at all to assume every fitness rule is set in stone. It's important to be flexible in your habits. If you want to lose weight, get fit and live a longer, stronger life then become aware and conscious of the real effects of some of your nutrition and exercise choices.

Get the Skinny on These 3 Widely Accepted "Fitness Rules" to Discover Why They May Not Work for You Anymore

1. Eat 5 meals throughout the day. While it's true that eating throughout the day helps keep your energy up, your hunger under control, and your metabolism burning, it's important to not eat TOO much. Quite often your small snacks or mini-meals turn into over-sized portions. So, even if you are making healthy selections, keep portion sizes in check. Think of the "handful" rule -- a handful of nuts, a palm-sized piece of protein -- and you'll keep portions in better perspective.

2. Stick to an exercise routine. Consistency is good, but variation is even better. Don't tie yourself to the treadmill when you could have fun with an occasional martial arts class or sign up for softball. If you don't include variety in your fitness plan, I guarantee you will hit a fitness plateaus. Although you will always be getting heart healthy benefits from any exercise, your body may not change unless you mix it up. Not ready to give up your favorite exercise? You don't have to! If you like walking or biking, add a few hills. Or go on a slower, longer jaunt one day and pick up the pace the next. More variety equals more results!

3. Plan your meals ahead. We've all had those long days where one thing leads to the next and suddenly you're home tired, stressed and starving. And now you're less than thrilled with the chicken breast and broccoli waiting in your fridge. There's no need to be so rigid with meal planning. Mapping out meals before you get hungry is smart. But so is including enough variety to give you several appealing options. Keep the family freezer stocked with healthy protein options like fish and lean beef. Fill the crisper with fresh fruits and veggies. Allow yourself to go for something tasty and satisfying within a range of smart and healthy options.

So don't forget to sometimes question those widely accepted hard-and-fast fitness and nutrition rules. Think about the real impact your choices have on your health and energy level. Be flexible in the range of options you create for yourself. And always remember that losing weight and getting in physical shape should be fun and eating should be a pleasure as well as a health choice

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lose Weight Naturally With Vinegar Weight Loss

Would you like to lose weight efficiently? Have you already tried all sorts of options: exercise, diet supplements, diet juice and more, and yet it won’t still give you the kind of result you’ve been dying to have? Well, did you know that vinegar, yes, that one could help you out with your weight issues? Vinegar weight loss program is the solution to your problem.

First, let us try to get to know the content of vinegar. What is vinegar? Well, it is about 95% water and 5% acetic acid. Since it is acidic, it prevents the growth of bacteria in a test tube and it is being used as a preservative to pickle a wide variety of foods.

You see, the vinegar isn’t just for kitchen or to add some spice to your meal, it also helps you lose weight. Yes, believe it or not! But the main concern is, will this be safe to everybody especially if it will be done in a daily basis? This article will give you answers to that.

Based on the research and studies done by Japan scientists and Central Research Institute, vinegar helps the human body lose weight hence there is what we call as vinegar weight loss approach.

There were scientists who tested the effects of vinegar on laboratory mice through adding 0.3% or 1.5% vinegar solution to their daily meals. Based on what they’ve carefully studied, in a span of six weeks, the mice were getting vinegar solution with calorie-rich meals and they’re being kept under observation. The scientists were able to have an amazing result after six weeks of experiment and it resulted to a “vinegar” group weighted 10% less than the control group of mice.

The main reason as to why vinegar could help in losing unnecessary weight is because of its chemical properties which activates genes that are present in body of mice which in turn produces enzymes
The reason why vinegar helps in losing weight is because of its chemical properties which activates genes that could be found in the body of mice which in turn gives enzymes for fatty acid oxidation. As per research, it is also safe to use as a daily diet but of course in appropriate proportion only.

Now, here is a vinegar dressing salad for your vinegar weight loss program:

First, add equal parts of olive oil and red wine vinegar with a dash of pepper. You could use this as a dressing on your salad to be able to produce a super meal which is rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. You could then add some protein with lean meat to make it complete. The olive oil, if you’re not aware, contains healthy fats that could benefit your heart and could keep it healthy.

So, what are you waiting for? You might want to try doing your vinegar weight loss program and this might be the kind of weight loss approach that works best on you. It’s a cheap way to lose
weight and it’s relatively safe.

Medical Weight Loss - Lose Weight Safely!

Being healthy does not equate neither to being too thin or being obese. There are dangers if a person in either of the two ends in health. So, there are many people who try to control their weight so as to avoid other health complications.

Having diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea and some breathing disorders are now linked to obesity. With this, there are many people who want to change their eating habits and engage in other weight loss activities so that they can avoid these health problems. One way to do so is to consult to a doctor, dietician and a nutritionist in order to know the right way to lose weight without further endangering the health of the person.

Medical weight loss involves a program supervised by doctors, and dieticians to ensure that the weight loss of the person is safe and healthy. Consulting with an expert for the medical weight loss should always be done so that a person will be well informed about the changes that would be done to his body and how he will be able to achieve it the safe way. Also, some medical weight loss programs entails that the patient should first consult with a psychologist to make himself educated about the losing weight, its effects to the mind and body, and some eating disorders that should be avoided. These ways provided by the medical weight loss programs are a good way to start weight loss. It ensures the safety of the patient and weight loss will be properly monitored since the experts will be able to guide them all throughout the process of losing weight.

Aside from the medical consultations that would be done, the medical weight loss programs also make a personalized weight loss nutrition diet that should be followed by the person. This way, a person will be able to have a format on how he should be eating. The person needs to maintain healthy so he must eat only the right foods that would not make him fat, and eat them in right amount. A person should never suppress himself from eating since there can always be foods that are right for him and enjoying the food can always be done even if a person wants to lose weight.

Also included in medical weight loss is the set of exercise that should be followed so that the person will not gain more weight. Exercise is important so that the body will be able to burn the fat from the food that he eats. The food will be transformed to energy so the more fat burning activities that a person engages in, the more fat will be metabolized.

Lastly, medical weight loss programs should make the person mentally ready for weight loss. Since it may affect the way that a person thinks of himself and of the other things that surrounds him, these experts will guide him so that he will avoid the eating disorders and then he will feel better about himself. Also, right motivation of the person who wants to lose weight will be done to ensure that the weight loss will be long term.

All of these activities will be supervised by experts in weight loss to ensure that a person will be able to lose weight the safe way. This is a good way to lose weight and the health is the utmost priority

Easy Weight Loss Diets: Can You Really Eat Pizza and Lose Weight?

In a perfect world, you’d be able to munch out to your heart’s content on such goodies as: chocolate chip cookies, any kind of snack chips, several scoops of your favorite ice cream, pizza with your favorite toppings, burgers and fries, fried chicken, creamy potato dishes, decadent chocolate treats of all kinds, etc.

You could eat as much as you wanted of all of these types of foods and never gain an ounce of extra weight. I know. Dream on, huh?

The fact is, we don’t live in a perfect world and eating too much of foods that contain large amounts of fat, cholesterol, salt and sugar isn’t good for our long-term health. This is why it’s popular to turn to easy weight loss diets when our weight gets out of control.

There are tons of fast and easy diets in magazines and on the internet. Most promise the same thing – lose x amount of weight in 7 days (or something similar). The majority of these types of easy diets are fad diets. Fad diets are notorious for making outrageous claims, and enticing people to darn near starve themselves for the chance of wining the weight loss lottery.

The reality is that most people fail to lose any significant weight on a fad diet, and even when they do lose 10 pounds or so, it usually comes back quickly. So, yeah, you can say that fad diets are easy in the sense that they give you simplistic solutions. The real test that should be in everyone’s mind is: are they effective in producing long-term weight loss?


Does this mean that you should give up hope of finding an effective easy weight loss diet?

No again.

In fact, the dieting world has been taken by storm by some very good diet plans that are not only easy to follow, but based on solid nutritional science. Diet plans like Cheat Your Way Thin and The Every Other Day Diet 2.0, have their whole plans based around ease of use and results.

The creators of these two plans, in particular, promote a dieting philosophy that says you don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods in order to lose weight - even if those foods contain lots of fat. The real key to successful weight loss is incorporating wholesome foods into your every day lifestyle, while allowing yourself the pleasure of cheating on a regular basis.


Isn’t cheating bad for a dieter?

Not when it’s included in a well planned out diet. You see, the new way of thinking about dieting allows us to face facts: we’re prone to cheating on our diets. If this weren’t the case, then everybody who went on a diet would always be 100% successful in getting to their ideal weight.

When dieter’s cheat, they’re usually made to feel like they’re naughty school children without any self control. Well, let me tell you, it’s hard to keep control over your love of pepperoni pizza when all you’re allowed to eat is a salad, or bland piece of chicken, while everyone around you is smacking their lips on that sizzling hot special delivery pizza.

But, what if cheating were a part of your diet, and you knew you were going to be able to eat a slice of delicious pepperoni pizza in a day or two?

Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to keep eating your healthy meals?

You bet it is.

We all like treats and hate being deprived. So, unless you really need to drop a lot of weight in a few weeks, you should consider picking a diet plan that allows you to cheat as you go. Leave the extreme dieting to others who are in a big hurry.

I promise you that, once you get used to eating healthy meals, with a taste of fun foods thrown in from time to time, you’ll not only lose more weight, but you’ll be amused that you’ve been allowed to cheat the whole time you’ve been dieting.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lose Weight Naturally With Vinegar Weight Loss

Would you like to lose weight efficiently? Have you already tried all sorts of options: exercise, diet supplements, diet juice and more, and yet it won’t still give you the kind of result you’ve been dying to have? Well, did you know that vinegar, yes, that one could help you out with your weight issues? Vinegar weight loss program is the solution to your problem.

First, let us try to get to know the content of vinegar. What is vinegar? Well, it is about 95% water and 5% acetic acid. Since it is acidic, it prevents the growth of bacteria in a test tube and it is being used as a preservative to pickle a wide variety of foods.

You see, the vinegar isn’t just for kitchen or to add some spice to your meal, it also helps you lose weight. Yes, believe it or not! But the main concern is, will this be safe to everybody especially if it will be done in a daily basis? This article will give you answers to that.

Based on the research and studies done by Japan scientists and Central Research Institute, vinegar helps the human body lose weight hence there is what we call as vinegar weight loss approach.

There were scientists who tested the effects of vinegar on laboratory mice through adding 0.3% or 1.5% vinegar solution to their daily meals. Based on what they’ve carefully studied, in a span of six weeks, the mice were getting vinegar solution with calorie-rich meals and they’re being kept under observation. The scientists were able to have an amazing result after six weeks of experiment and it resulted to a “vinegar” group weighted 10% less than the control group of mice.

The main reason as to why vinegar could help in losing unnecessary weight is because of its chemical properties which activates genes that are present in body of mice which in turn produces enzymes
The reason why vinegar helps in losing weight is because of its chemical properties which activates genes that could be found in the body of mice which in turn gives enzymes for fatty acid oxidation. As per research, it is also safe to use as a daily diet but of course in appropriate proportion only.

Now, here is a vinegar dressing salad for your vinegar weight loss program:

First, add equal parts of olive oil and red wine vinegar with a dash of pepper. You could use this as a dressing on your salad to be able to produce a super meal which is rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. You could then add some protein with lean meat to make it complete. The olive oil, if you’re not aware, contains healthy fats that could benefit your heart and could keep it healthy.

So, what are you waiting for? You might want to try doing your vinegar weight loss program and this might be the kind of weight loss approach that works best on you. It’s a cheap way to lose weight and it’s relatively safe.
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