Friday, October 3, 2008

Lose Weight, Don't Lose Your Mind

eight loss can mean many things to many people. It could be an answer to one person’s prayer, a symptom of illness for another. However one views it, it remains to be one of the world’s more universal contemporary topics on earth. You could bring together a weight-conscious German woman and a weight-conscious American together and despite the cultural barrier, they will surely have a feast on interacting on this much debated and worried-over topic.

In a world of instant items and more convenience, less physical effort is needed. Instead of walking up a flight of stairs, one can take the elevator. Instead of walking along the block to buy milk from the grocer, there’s the car to save time and energy. And food is so much more readily available these days. I leave it to your discretion to say which foods are healthy and which are no, but the truth of the matter is that there is just so much efforts on convenience that it failed to take into account to leave a reasonable amount of physical labor to keep one’s self from getting obese or overweight.

Sitting in front of TV with an iced coffee and some bag of chips can already mean 1000 calories. While the concept of counting calories is such an unattractive concept especially if you are used to satisfying your palate with all the good things it can handle in one sitting, there are other alternatives to make sure you get the desired amount of weight loss and not look like a super-sized dinosaur.

For one thing, take some lessons from the French women. They eat frequently but in small amounts only. Often, the bulge problems come in when you eat a few but meaty meals. If you diffuse your food intake during the entire day, it will be burned most likely. To lessen one’s food intake at night can also help. Your body at night is more sedentary and will probably let what you ate at night to stay in your hips forever if you don’t take action.

Losing weight can also be done by exercising regularly and consistently. You don’t need a gym to be able to do so. You can just make a few stretches here and there, but the most important thing is that you ought to do it consistently. Otherwise, it will not yield the results you want to have for yourself. Some good forms of exercise include those with the element of play in them such as belly dancing. It’s really about matching your appetite with activities which will help you burn those calories as instantly as you take them.

Make small choices everyday to lose weight more easily. And set yourself more realistic goals so that you won’t get frustrated and go back to poor eating habits. Instead of taking the elevator, you can choose to take the stairs. It lends to your creativity but for as long as you can exert some physical efforts of sorts to yourself despite a demanding work day, you will definitely find yourself with less pounds and more of endorphins or happy hormones.

Weight loss options also abound in the market. There are weight loss pills, creams and others. These can work for you as well, but it usually has side effects you must prepare for. Furthermore, popping weight loss pills breeds addiction and dependence, and will not help you groom to have self-control and discipline with your food intake—two major things which will help you be in good shape for the long-term.

Those tips were for the case of those who want to lose weight to look good. However, in the case of those bordering on an unknown illness or becoming overboard with weight loss pills, a potential problem presents itself. Whether you are of normal or excessive weight in the past, if you are experiencing sudden and irregular bouts of weight loss, it is something that needs your doctor’s advice. Consult a health expert in such cases, so that you may be able to determine the principal cause of abnormal weight loss. It may be a physical or psychological problem, so make sure it gets treated (check out and that you have a healthy perspective on losing weight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When someone gets to be so obese that they feel helpless, hopeless, and fearful, it is time to realize that something drastic needs to be done. Phentremine weight loss treatment is a natural appetite supressant.

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